White Code

”White Code” works consist of pigment of suitably modified viscosity dripping onto a support traveling at a leisurely 1cm/second. The blobs of paint coming into contact with the rough linen surface occasionally spread and connect to each other, morphing in random ways while retaining their volume. These rain-like arrangements of dots, reminiscent of the Morse code used in the early days of the telegraph, or program code running across a black and white screen, possess a material quality suggestive of a digital signal generated by an analog device, finding their presence between information and meaning joined by optic and haptic.

White Code#2

Paint on canvas
772 × 1120 × 62 mm

White Code#31

paint on canvas
970 × 1620 × 60 mm

White Code#35

paint on canvas
970 × 1940 × 45 mm